Don’t make these mistakes on your visa application for NZ or Australia

Immigrating to New Zealand or Australia is a big step. Not only can the process be costly and cumbersome, but you need to make sure you get your visa application right. Anyone applying for a visa will want to avoid any mistake that can cause a delay in the processing of their documents. Any error can lead to your application being rejected, so be sure to avoid making these mistakes:

Marks on your documents

Don’t make any unnecessary marks or comments on your documents. Only fill in the required information.

Submitting unnecessary documents

Many people provide extra information and documents, which can lead to hindrance in the visa application process. Only submit the documents that are required.

Not providing enough supporting evidence

It is very common for applicants to not provide enough supporting evidence. Each type of visa has its own requirements and therefore different supporting documents are required for each type of visa application. Be sure that you are able to demonstrate that you meet the requirements for the visa you are applying for by submitting enough supporting evidence along with your application.

Submitting an unconvincing Statement of Purpose

If you are immigrating to Australia, then you will need to provide a Statement of Purpose to the Australian Department of Home Affairs. This document needs to be convincing. Hire a professional immigration consultant to help you with this if you aren’t sure whether your Statement of Purpose document is acceptable or not.

Not keeping track of timelines and being patient

Your visa application to New Zealand or Australia can take many months to be processed. Keep track of the dates that you submit documents and be patient.

Need help with your visa application? Contact Tri-Nations Migration if you want to immigrate to New Zealand or Australia.